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CRIME NUMBER 6029679-21 : WE-THE-PEOPLE : INT 06A1 0004545-21 - Rangy Case. Cyclops 1146-12

Writer's picture: Bruce LambBruce Lamb

Their system is crumbling and they are throwing each other under the bus. Medically - Politically - Financially these WEF Satanists are exposed on every level.

06.03.23 - We Dig Deeper - WDTK?

WEF Members: Net Zero - Western - Milliband

1 Day 15,000 - 104,000 Members

Ward, Jennie, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council 3 March 2023

Dear Mr Lamb Thank you for your email of 27^th January 2023 where you requested information about the 5G telecommunications installation in Sale Moor allowed under appeal. The information you requested is enclosed. 1. Planning application reference 105704/TEL/21 was allowed under appeal for the same site as submitted with the original refused application. Details of the location are available to inspect via the [

1]Trafford website, please use the application reference number to access the documents.

If you are aware of an installation being made near the site in question that does not appear to have permission you should contact our Planning Enforcement team in order for them to investigate, please use the following contact details

[2][email address]. Neighbouring properties were consulted on the original application and a site notice was also placed at the location. The same neighbouring properties were also notified of the appeal process,

The appeal statement (which is available to inspect using the link given above) includes the following statements which respond to the first part of your question relating to the environmental and health impact analysis for the installation.

“The provisions of the GPDO require the local planning authority to assess the proposed development solely on the basis of its siting and appearance, taking into account any representations received.

My determination of this appeal has been made on the same basis.” “Concerns have been raised by a local resident about potential effects of the proposal on health.

However, the appellant has provided a certificate to confirm that the proposal has been designed to comply with the guidelines published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

In these circumstances, the Framework advises that health safeguards are not something which a decision-maker should determine. No sufficiently authoritative evidence has been provided to indicate that the ICNIRP guidelines would not be complied with or that a departure from national policy would be justified.” 2. Information not held. 3. Information on the Council’s senior staffing structure can be found on the Council’s website. If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: Information Governance Manager, Trafford Council, Town Hall, Talbot Road Stretford M32 0TH or via email to

[3][Trafford Council request email] Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF The supply of information in response to a freedom of information request does not confer an automatic right to re-use the information. Under UK copyright law you can use any information supplied for the purposes of private study and non-commercial research without requiring permission. Similarly, information supplied can also be re-used for the purposes of news reporting. An exception to this is photographs.

For other forms of re-use, for example publishing the information, you would need the permission of the organisation or person who owns the copyright. In the case of information produced by government departments and agencies you can re-use the information under the Open Government Licence. For information about this please see [4] If, however, the copyright is identified as belonging to somebody else, you will need to apply for permission. For information about how to obtain permission from a third party, please go to Intellectual Property Office’s website at [5] Kind regards, Jennie Ward Senior PA to Richard Roe, Corporate Director for Place

Trafford Town Hall | Talbot Road Stretford | M32 0TH | 0161 912 4111

Richard Roe:


  • Strategic responsibility for place based services, delivering economic and housing growth, environmental services and development. Strategic responsibility for place based services, delivering economic and housing growth, environmental services and development.

  • A member of the Corporate Leadership Team with strategic lead responsibility for economic growth, housing, planning, highways, transport, regulatory services and the One Trafford Partnership.

  • Working to deliver sustainable economic and housing growth, vibrant town centres and accessible green spaces.

The Rangy Case - Teeside: J00MB900

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Did These Guys See Who Placed The Cut Throat in Rangys Bag? During Adjournment?

EARTH HEALING - The Script - Reverend Bob Murphy

Universal Love We Invite You In.

Mother, Father, God We Invite You In

Ascended Masters We Invite You In

Spirit Guides & Angels We Invite You In

Jesus We Invite You In

Mary We Invite You In

Spirit of The Native American Indians We Invite You In

Spirit of The Shamen We Invite You In

Now ask they just listen and really feel their energy flow from the top of the head all the way down through to their feet.

Ask them now to just listen.

Universal love we ask you now to join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet so as each person drinks it they will receive your love peace and healing.

Mother Father God, we ask now that you join usand send love peace and healingdown through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet so that each person that drinks it will receive your love peace and healing.

Ascended masters we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet so as each person that drinks it will receive your love peace and healing.

Spirit guides, Angels and Arch Angels, Earth Angels.

We call upon all the angels from all the realms and askthat you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing, deep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet, so as each person that drinks it receives your love, peace and healing.

Jesus son of man, we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on Earth so that each person that drinks it they receive your love peace and healing.

Mary Mother of Jesus, Mother of the Earth we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on the planet so as each each person drinks it they will receive your love peace and healing.

Spirit of the Native American Indians. We call upon you now and ask you send your love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to the 4 elements of the Earth, Wind Fire Air & Water.

Spirits of the Shamen medicine men, we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feetand deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on the planet so as each person that drinks it receives your love peace and healing.

Now we call upon the spirit of our dear departed parents, children, animals and all who know us.

Our guides, helpers and gatekeepers.

We ask now that you send your love peace and healing down through our body out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.

Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on our planet

So as each person that drinks it will receive your love peace and healing.

And so be it. Amen

Windsor Jab Centre Closure:

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