17th June 2020
Lies and Deception The World Over.. Uncovered.
Well Done Billy Te Kahika and the NZPP..
We Will Ensure that Public Health and Safety is a Prime Mandate
The Bill of Rights will establish a legal framework where people's right to safety is a primary goal over corporate profits.
Such as 5G, fluoridation, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, poisons, electromagnetics, industrial products and waste, consumer products, food products
The Territorial Boundary of New Zealand will be changed to include 200 nautical miles above and below the country, ensuring our right to security from satellites/space vehicles and subterranean devices.
This is what we should all be fighting for the world over, If you don't wake up you will NOT Recognise Your Own Country By The Close of 2020.
Billy Talks About 5G, Covid 19, Democracy plus many other subjects..
Your Sovereignty Will Go To The UN through Agenda 21/ 2030.
NZPP Auckland Presentation with Billy Te Kahika
Akarana Yacht Club, Auckland
11 June 2020
NZPP Wellington Presentation with Billy Te Kahika
Rutherford House Lecture Theatre, Wellington
17 June 2020
We Will Rebuild New Zealand Back Into a Democracy
Re-Write the Government Constitution
Write a People's Constitution
Write a real Bill of Rights
We Will Restore Government Integrity
The Government structure and laws will include Checks and Balances
The Government Constitution will add Transparency as a legal requirement to all levels of government
The Government Constitution will ensure Accountability as a statutory provision to all offices and departments of government.
We Will Ensure that Public Health and Safety is a Prime Mandate
The Bill of Rights will establish a legal framework where people's right to safety is a primary goal over corporate profits.
Such as 5G, fluoridation, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, poisons, electromagnetics, industrial products and waste, consumer products, food products
The Territorial Boundary of New Zealand will be changed to include 200 nautical miles above and below the country, ensuring our right to security from satellites/space vehicles and subterranean devices.
Healthcare Will Be Restored to Prevention Instead of Drug Profits
We believe that ALL health and medical practices should be based on real and honest science and not just the relationships with drug manufacturers.
We will review ALL current agreements between the government and drug companies and we will appoint an independent board that will conduct the research on these agreements and the products involved.
We view that proven natural human immune system boosting options should be of equal importance in the medical sphere. Prevention rather than intervention is the health goal.
The Bill of Rights will establish protocols where achieving health is based on the responsibility of the person and their needs rather than quotas.