We've seen recent coverage on the BBC and other channels about the impact of Extinction Rebellion (ER) on the streets of London.
Not so much about 5G, Yellow Vests in France or the UK?
Apart from the 5G technical aspects of functionality, data speeds and holographic downloads ability the official narrative has been all positive.
Apart from the Huawei leak by the National Security Council?
ER Climate change issues?
Stop the Chem trails (Nano Particulates) for a start and find out what they are for in one of our other articles linked to Mark Steeles and Sacha Stones 5G The Apocalypse.
Lets look behind the Extinction Rebellion curtain and see what and who we find?
To Help John Kitson & 5G Awareness get this message across we are Crowdfunding with IMPACT101 0% goes to the platform 100% to 5G Awareness.
