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Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

5G Warfare - Its A Blast - Its On Your High Street - 360-ISR

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

How Many Communications Systems Can you Place in Attack Mode!!

Most That Are 5G - LED - Fitted Across UK Councils: We The People - Case Study 5

5G Is Surveillance With The Ability To Kill - Attack Mode -

It Does What It Says On The Control Platform.

We help global organisations, governments and militaries develop Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capabilities to enable fully integrated operations.

The evolution of warfare has been mapped from the Neo Classical Warfare with massed armies organised in lines and columns on the battlefield of first generation warfare through technological advances and stagnation of tactics of second generation warfare and to the manoeuvrist approach of the third generation warfare landscape. The last evolution was seen with the adaptation of 3rd generation warfare to meet the modern asymmetric threats and the realisation that civilians are often the ‘centre of gravity’. Other terms that are synonymous with 4th generation warfare are COIN, the 3 Block war and ‘war amongst the people’. The ‘Fifth Generation’ strapline was borrowed from this history by marketing chiefs looking to describe the capabilities of fast jets in the western military. In the air domain, the name comes from the fact that since the invention of the military jet aircraft there have been four evolutions to date, with the F35 heralding in the Fifth Generation.

Footage of Dolores Cahill Arresting Garda PC Hugh Shovlin - Malfeasance in Public Office and supporting Treason - Personal liability Kicks in.


Because of this recent association, fifth gen warfare is often considered as hardware and software: it is in ‘things’ not concepts, this is evident now; many academics and military commentators talk of the Fifth Generation Air Force as one that has Sensor grids, Command grids, Information grids and Effects grids, all overlaid and integrated to create a system of systems that will enable a fifth generation capability

With the advent of the Internet, information is now being weaponised more than ever as a means to create and further conflict and instability. Moreover, the lines between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ power are blurring and military forces are no longer the leaders in fighting back. More importantly, influence can be exhorted by agencies, often commercial in nature, beyond the control of the traditional military. The birth of the influencer has heralded a new era in global communication and global manipulation. The viral thread is well named.

We have a team of unrivalled ISR experts that have assisted developing ISR concepts with the Royal Air Force, the Royal Netherlands Air Force, the Spanish Joint Forces and other organisations. Outside of Europe, we have worked along side major global primes in delivering excellence in Africa, Indonesia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and South America.

"Enabled 6 months of staff work to be condensed into 2 weeks of workshop. Our output; our CONOP"

Senior Police Chief - Singapore Police Force

We focus on integrating intelligence with effects to enable full spectrum operations and simplify the complex environment in which we work.

YOUR GOVERNMENT WILL DENY IT - Your Councils Have Denied It - But They Are NOT IN CONTROL - The City of London - The Cabal - Have Weaponsied Your Domestic Environment & About To Reduce the Headcount. Genocide - Democide. Act Now!!

Full Spectrum Understanding

360iSR is globally recognised as the thought leader for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Services.

A study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and involving the University of Exeter found that participants living in large cities with heavy exposure to blue lights at night had double the risk of prostate cancer and 1.5 times higher risk of breast cancer. This was compared to populations with less exposure to blue light.

Whistleblower LED Street Lighting 666 THz 450nm.

We work with the the world's largest organisation's to help develop knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable information superiority and lead to decision dominance.

Life In The Gulag - Wuhan Today - UK 2025 - Agenda 21/ 2030

Bio Weapons - Jabs - Transhuman 2.0

The Invisible Touch The second element of the fifth generation mission space is the ability to have influence and effect without physical presence in the mission space. Using unmanned or cyber capabilities and through global communication networks we are able to reach out and touch without leaving our borders. However, in the era of 24hr news and as society applies more constraints on western governments to be a force for good, the risks and political fall-out from a military error will be catastrophic. Politicians, the owners of warfare, are likely to become more risk averse and thus more reliant on low attributable and/or stand-off capabilities. Evidence of this can be seen in the increasing reliance on unmanned capability. This dynamic between society and the decision makers is yet more evidence of the centrality of influence in contemporary warfare as leaders crave ‘likes’ and trends on twitter. The End of ‘War’ and the Beginning of the Constant Conflict

The death of the adversary and the birth of the opponent. The third element is the adversary themselves. The classical view of warfare was characterised as one State battling another; the advent of the 4th generation warfare concept saw acknowledgment of asymmetric threats posed by non-state entities. In 5GW, the two entities of state and non-state actors remain, however, it is the concept of warfare itself that becomes indistinct. Contemporary adversaries’ will seek to operate in the ‘grey zone’, an indistinguishable space between peacetime and conflict. The boundaries between democratic debate, activism and terrorism, criminality and warfare will themselves become contested. The use of military action will not just need to be considered for its direct effect towards the mission, but also on its secondary and tertiary effects. These will include the reputational, legal, economic and social effects.


GARDA Police Constable - Under Arrest - Police Constable Hugh Shovlin - No E.

Evidence provided that obstructing the course of Justice brings personal liability into the equation for supporting Malfeasance, Misfeasance, Non Feasance in public office and assisting those in committing Treason:

Harm, Loss & Injury is taking place UK - Ireland - Nationally - Internationally

2. Elements of Arrest under section 24 PACE 2.1

A lawful arrest requires two elements:

A person’s involvement or suspected involvement or attempted involvement in the commission of a criminal offence; AND Reasonable grounds for believing that the person’s arrest is necessary. • both elements must be satisfied, and • it can never be necessary to arrest a person unless there are reasonable grounds to suspect them of committing an offence.

2 G Codes of Practice – Code G Statutory power of arrest by police officers

2.2 The arrested person must be informed that they have been arrested, even if this fact is obvious, and of the relevant circumstances of the arrest in relation to both the above elements. The custody officer must be informed of these matters on arrival at the police station.

See paragraphs 2.9, 3.3 and Note 3 and Code C paragraph 3.4. (a) 'Involvement in the commission of an offence'

2.3 A constable may arrest without warrant in relation to any offence

(see Notes 1 and 1A) anyone:

• who is about to commit an offence or is in the act of committing an offence;

• whom the officer has reasonable grounds for suspecting is about to commit an offence or to be committing an offence;

• whom the officer has reasonable grounds to suspect of being guilty of an offence which he or she has reasonable grounds for suspecting has been committed;

• anyone who is guilty of an offence which has been committed or anyone whom the officer has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be guilty of that offence.

2.3 A There must be some reasonable, objective grounds for the suspicion, based on known facts and information which are relevant to the likelihood the offence has been committed and the person liable to arrest committed it.

See Notes 2 and 2A. (b) Necessity criteria 2.4

The power of arrest is only exercisable if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that it is necessary to arrest the person. The statutory criteria for what may constitute necessity are set out in paragraph 2.9 and it remains an operational decision at the discretion of the constable to decide:

• which one or more of the necessity criteria (if any) applies to the individual; and

• if any of the criteria do apply, whether to arrest, grant street bail after arrest, report for summons or for charging by post, issue a penalty notice or take any other action that is open to the officer.

2.5 In applying the criteria, the arresting officer has to be satisfied that at least one of the reasons supporting the need for arrest is satisfied.

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