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Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

Medical - Misinformation - Why - CQV - 5G trigger - Mast Move - Sale Moor - BT Monitoring -

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

The reasoning behind CORPORATE Medical Misadventure is purely financial. It Pays.

Follow The Touchpoints Get Into Their Way Of Thinking. Think Cestui Que Vie 1666.

What Are The Benefits For Those Who Control Government?

From Dr Mohammad Adil..

Dear All

Covid misinformation and vaccine roll out has been harmful as extensive data published in international medical papers based on the evidence based medicine. Please listen video & read the article as by Dr Aseem Malhotra , Consultant Cardiologist U.K

Follow The Money. Your MPs, Government Know This & Let It Happen. Treason. Genocide.

5G plus Vaxx Bioweapon leads to Cancers and an early death. They can target, track, trace you 24/7 and when no longer required switch you off - Heart Attack etc.

Sale Moor Health Alert. Notify WHP - 01925 424100

Has This Had Full Planning Permission?

This week Trafford Planning has refused two 5G masts one in Urmston and the other in Timperley, this is great news however the reasons for refusal of the Timperley mast is very interesting.

The reasons for refusal (2) read:

The application fails to demonstrate that the proposal would be in compliance with the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Public Exposure Guidelines. As such, the proposal would fail to comply with the provisions of paragraph 117 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

So effectively the council are saying that the 18 metre monopole with several antennas on it is actually a danger to the public since it is not compliant for radiation exposure levels.

We can go one further after finding out officially that a 5G or even a 4G mast should be around 500m away from a residential area, we can inform you that many masts are well within this figure, for example and at a rough estimate:

  • Chapel Lane, Partington (Three/EE) 30/40m away from Astro pitch, 150m from Broadoak School 250m from a daycare nursery on Oak Road, 300/350 away from a tiny playground on Oak Road Playing Fields, 250/300m away from Partington Central Academy.

  • Woodhouse Lane East. Timperley (EE and O2) a 4G mast no more than 30/40m from school, a 5G mast no more than 30m from school

  • The Avenue/Firsway, Sale (O2) no more than 40m away from corner house behind the mast, 40/50 away from property on Firsway in front of the mast, all houses up to Moss Lane within 500m and surrounding area including some of the Sale West Estate.

  • Nelson House, Timperley several 4G antennas and newly built 5G antennas on top of the building will be affecting all that live in the property below and surrounding shops, 150m away is a primary school and Newton Park, a daycare centre is around 200/250m away further east of the property.

  • Victoria Park infant and junior school is around 100m from a 5G mast, 150m away from 5G and 4G masts on Chester Road, 300m from a 5G mast on Canute Road jnc with Chester Road, 60m from shops and residential areas and around 200/250 from Victoria Park.

Many other areas of Trafford have 5G masts built or are going to be built that are way too close to residential property and schools, playgrounds to be deemed as safe. Now the council has made a statement that the Timperley mast did not comply with exposure guidelines then all must be like this since its the same frequency for all 5G masts although Three has a little bit more spectrum and so for every approval it seems they did not fully understand the guidelines or even read it.

This is how Three Work.

Have The Health Implications Been Taken Into Consideration.

Look For The Judicial Review. Carol Springgay v Brighton & Hove Council v

Hutchison 3G UK Ltd.

A Coventry resident has spoken of her anger after a mobile phone network set up a "monstrosity" of a 5G mast just feet from her home.

Helena Clifford first noticed something was happening just after 8am on a Sunday morning when workmen began digging near her garden on William Groubb Close, Binley.

A mast was soon erected in the spot, and to add insult to injury, it has been done "unlawfully" according to the council, as it did not gain the correct permissions.


Mrs Clifford says if this precedent is set, we will soon be inundated with illegal masts which could "ruin Coventry".

She told CoventryLive: “Work was being done, Sunday morning, 8.15am, which is a good time as everyone was in bed, and we weren’t notified. The workmen told us they were putting a mast up and we thought it was a joke.

“It’s an eyesore, a monstrosity, and it's unlawful. Everybody is up in arms about it. I’m angry.

"It’s been put on a small green space which is important for residents, particularly during lockdown when people in flats used it as they didn’t have gardens. The workers have made a complete mess of it as well.

"If it was in a more appropriate place, then fair enough but not in a residential area, with lots of houses and three schools - it’s 12 ft 3 inches from my property."

Furious residents have hit out after an enormous 6G mast was installed near their homes - branding it a ‘monstrosity’ and raising concerns about the levels of radiation it might emit.

The towering 15m metal structure has been installed at Lymm Walk, in Cheadle, much to the shock and anger of people living in the quiet residential area, many of whom are retired.

Its appearance has also come as a surprise to Stockport council which has written to the telecommunications firm responsible - IX Wireless - demanding answers to its ‘precise’ purpose as well as further ‘plans and details’.

A notice stuck to the base of the ‘fibre pole’ says it is for the purposes of IX Wireless network. It adds that residents have a right to object if ‘the enjoyment of that neighbouring land is capable of being prejudiced by the apparatus’ or ‘any interest in the land is capable of being compromised’.

The Blackburn based company's website boasts that it is is 'managing the 6G internet in towns in the north of England, providing gigabit internet at lower prices than providers such as Virgin and BT'. But people living at Lymm Walk, which is just off Tarvin Road, are furious they were not consulted before it went up - and want the mast moved elsewhere.

Part 1. Dr Aseem Malhotra , Consultant Cardiologist U.K

Dr Mohammad Adil: World Doctors Alliance: You Can No Longer Connect To The Truth.


A selection of case studies that give an indication of how the UK economy, its businesses and Its people have now been brought to their knees unchecked by those who have taken an Oath of Office to serve this country on behalf of its people.

Where duplication of the information in Part 1 is identified this underlines the importance and severity of the crimes and impact upon the United Kingdom and its people. These cases are still ongoing.

The Medical Fraud and Malpractice emanating from The Corona Virus Act 2020 will be addressed by professionals of The World Doctors Alliance.

This will be done through Common Law Court sessions, in the format of Nuremburg hearings. Those identified of having committed Criminal Acts will receive justice from Common Law Courts - We The People.

Part 2. Dr Aseem Malhotra , Consultant Cardiologist U.K

Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1

Aseem Malhotra

Journal of Insulin Resistance | Vol 5, No 1 | a71 | DOI: | © 2022 Aseem Malhotra | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0 Submitted: 10 June 2022 | Published: 26 September 2022

About the author(s) Aseem Malhotra, Public Health Collaboration, London, United Kingdom

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Abstract Background: In response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), several new pharmaceutical agents have been administered to billions of people worldwide, including the young and healthy at little risk from the virus. Considerable leeway has been afforded in terms of the pre-clinical and clinical testing of these agents, despite an entirely novel mechanism of action and concerning biodistribution characteristics. Aim: To gain a better understanding of the true benefits and potential harms of the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) coronavirus disease (COVID) vaccines. Methods: A narrative review of the evidence from randomised trials and real world data of the COVID mRNA products with special emphasis on BionTech/Pfizer vaccine. Results: In the non-elderly population the “number needed to treat” to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomised controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety. Mirroring a potential signal from the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, a significant rise in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England was seen in 2021, with similar data emerging from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group. Conclusion: It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue. Contribution: This article highlights the importance of addressing metabolic health to reduce chronic disease and that insulin resistance is also a major risk factor for poor outcomes from COVID-19.


They want you dead. Its more profitable. CQV 1666

Net Zero pays continually after your death. 66 Million UK. How many jabbed? 30M-40M?

What will happen on October 8th?

"Cyber attacks ON GOOGLE"

The 8th day of the month has been interesting as of late.

July 8: Shinzo Abe assassinated

Aug 8: Mar a Lago raided by FBI

Oct 8: Secret❗️

Nov 8: Midterm elections

The Satanic Connection Exposed - Luc & Kates Cafe Burnage. Case Study.

The Satanic Connection. Courts Don't Like This..

It Exposes their Owners Agenda. No Jurisdiction, No Authority.

Where Do You Derive Your Authority From? Alice Springs Court House. Worth A Watch!!

The Judge Is Fraudulent & The Court Is Fake. Watch.

The Judge Left The Ship - Case Closed - Recorded. Terms & Conditions Apply.



Walton-Park-Mast-Objection-5G-Kill-Grid-Sale Moor

Vaccination with nano particles plus microwave radiation means you will cook from the inside out. Those allowing the technology to be implemented at whatever level will be tried by International Criminal Courts under the Rome Statute. This is asymmetrical warfare. Ignorance is NO excuse in law..

They snook it in within Sale Moor Village 26th September 22.

Did anyone see the planning NOTICES?

Right in the middle of the local shops, IMO Car Wash and living accommodation 26.09.22. Installation continues 27.09.22. Post Code M33 3HQ.


Trafford Planning Committee who go by what ICNIRP says about 5G and health issues as if it was a bible of safety, the same with other councillors in the borough.

Another check on the new guidelines shows something that even a toddler could understand:

“Radio frequency fields have the ability to penetrate the human body (though the higher the frequency, the lower the depth of penetration), with the main effect of this being a rise in temperature in the exposed tissue.

The human body can adjust to small temperature increases in the same way as it does when undertaking exercise and performing sporting activities. This is because the body can regulate its internal temperature. However, above a certain level (referred to as the threshold) depending on the duration, HF exposure and the accompanying temperature rise, can provoke serious health effects, such as heatstroke and tissue damage (burns)”

5G small masts will be higher frequency, no one has any safety data surrounding the brains of all mobile phone monopoles and that’s the cabinets however and the words of mobile phone mast installers for O2 and Vodafone Cornerstone:

“Members of the public cannot unknowingly enter areas close to the antennas where exposure may exceed the relevant guidelines”

Lets look at them words for just a moment ‘Enter’ and ‘Close’ how many times have you been walking or even stood next to a mast? how many times has your children or child stood next to a mast? what about all the monopoles that are installed outside of schools or near where children play? no one is safe.

26.09.22 Meter reading peaking at 3000 - 6000 mV per metre 15 to 30 times over the acceptable level. A mast should be at least 500metres from a home or dwelling or humans. Spot the problem? 200mV/ m 6 minutes in 24hrs max.

We will below give you some points we took from the latest guidelines which will help you understand the dangers, it will also be important to contact your councillor or MP about your concerns as 5G masts start to go up around the Trafford.

  • Thermal heating of the skin can reach 41 to 43c in humans at 94GHz (5G will be anything up to 300GHz)

  • Anything under 6GHz is likely to cause serious damage to the body after 6 minutes maybe less for children

  • SAR (Specific Absorb Rate) is now set at 6 minutes

  • Not enough research done

  • Anything over 10MHz will affect the nerves called (Nerve stimulation) this gets worse the higher the frequency.

  • EMFs cause an electrical field within the body and heats water molecules!

This is really much more disturbing than even we thought, one 5G mast has been refused by the council on Coppice Avenue in Sale, we need them all to be refused! sadly in the north of Trafford it is way too late as many 5G masts are already working, the EMFs in this area are much higher than in the south of the borough where 5G does not exist yet.

It does now!

WHP TELECOMS - Our ref: TFD 17397

27.09.22 09.15.

Spoke with the Project Manager James Stubbins of WHP Telecoms Ltd.

I asked if they had planning permission for the installation?

He said they all had them. I pointed out they didn't.

I asked for the planning details and number he didn't have them and said talk to WHP Telecom.

Spoke with WHP Reception. Janine Brighouse. 09.45

She will find out whose responsible in the operation for the project and who is the Project Sponsor. Three?

Neil Roberts WHP came back to me but not with a planning number but a GOVERNMENT Appeal Decision. See below:

I attended Trafford Town Hall pm, they couldn't find me anyone to talk with after submitting the online complaint and asked me to mail planning after them talking to a Geoff Davies.

Speaking to others in the locality it would appear no one had been NOTICED about the new site which is not the old site but post code M33 3HQ.

27.09.22 09.30

Kindly Provided by Neil Roberts WHP Telecoms.

Effectively the Treasonous UK WEF influenced Government have placed an over ride on a decision backed by local residents to not have a mast as they prefer their health instead.

Remember the Government is Controlled by the WEF and the Banks and they get paid on and on and on when your Cestui Que Vie Trust comes to an end .

Refresh: Back to David Straight: 66 Million UK. How many jabbed? 30M-40M?

Complaint submission to Trafford Borough Council.

Unlawful Mast Installation Sale Moor.

Confirmation of Submission of Complaint.

Supporting Docs Submitted.

The Light Paper Page 17 - French Farmer Loses 20% of Cattle After 4G Installation - Wins Case Over Phone Tower.

1. Lloyds - 5G and any electromagnetic radiation is uninsurable.

2. High Court of Justice - Queens Bench Division Carol Springgay v Brighton & Hove Council and HUTCHISON 3G.UK Ltd. CO/3114/2021.

3. European Parliament Health Impact of 5G.

4. Pittsfield Health Board Report April 11th 2022.

There are plenty more source documents available on

From 2. High Courts of Justice: Reasons For Taking Down The Brighton Mast.

Looking at Sale Moor.

1. No planning has been passed for the new site,

2. No NOTICE has been given to those who live and work in the area.

4. Three (3) who have already had one mast overturned as they didnt have the full planning and Health assessments in place have done it again with WHP Telecom installing the mast.

In similar scenarios not only health but property and business values reduce as they become sick buildings. If you work there you become ill.

email to Planning TMBC - MP Mike Kane - Chief Constable Stephen Watson.

As We Progress This Could Move To Another Site or Post. Thanks. B

Whats Actually In A Covid Jab or Booster ? Why can some people become magnetised after taking the shots? Is this Natural - NO. This is to track, trace and finish you when you no longer are required in the system. Case Study.

This is what 116 117 119 Chipped IoB Devices (PERSONS) (Men & Women) looks like walking round a LIDL store. Graphene Hydroxide Nano Antennaes.

Jabbed - Justice for Jabbed:

This is how those who live in Sale Moor Will Be Controlled if Jabbed.

Say Hello To Trafford Councils - WEF - Not So Little Friend.

15 Meter Phase Monopole C/W wrapround cabinet and ancillary works.

This now forms Part of The Trafford Kill Grid.. GMCA & Trafford Know The Outcome.

So Does Mike Kane MP. His ward, his cover up since at least 16.10.2018

Georgia Guide Stones. Now Removed.

Intelligence Report 13.

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