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Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

Wi-GiG 802.11 ad - 60GHz

Updated: Jul 3, 2020

Touch points for you to start researching what could be placed in schools during lock down UK. Ask your school if they have had a WiFi or 5G installation or upgrade on the site.

Look at your premises of work?

Are they installing small cells or 5G Panel Arrays, near you?

These are untested, un insurable pieces of hardware that are known to cause a range of symptoms aligned with Corona Virus or Covid 19. Also this technology causes cancer and a range of other debilitating diseases. Australian Small Cell Notice Example: Download

The second Covid wave is microwave radiation poisoning NOT a virus.

There was or is NO pandemic just the fiddling of statistics, media hype to warrant hysteria and bring in social engineering tactical act and statutes in keeping with Agenda 2130/ 21

Silent Weapons Quiet Wars tells the story of how and why they are doing this.

Related materials are at the footer of the post.

Why the 60 GHz band?

In the range around 60 GHz, an unlicensed frequency band is available everywhere in the world. This range permits higher channel bandwidths for greater throughput. Another advantage is the small wavelengths (approx. 5 mm). These make it possible to use compact and competitive antennas or antenna arrays (e.g. for beamforming).

At first glance, however, this range also has some apparent disadvantages:

● very high free field attenuation in this band. (attenuation after 1 m: 68 dB, after 10 m: 91 dB)

● oxygen (O2 ) absorption However, because the transmission typically takes place within a limited range of under 10 m (the typical living room), the high degree of attenuation can also be seen as an advantage. Interference from adjacent transmissions is very unlikely.

The transmission is very difficult to intercept, making it even more secure. Finally, beamforming can be used to focus the power to the receiver.

Steerable Narrow Beam.

UK: 400,000 Masts - EMW - EMF Densification - Sickness Will Follow

EMF Guidelines for Radio Frequency and Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation

In which the health risk of various levels of EMF exposure are compared

Ian Ferguson - Im told is now an ex 5G Installer - He would have had a Notice of Liability against him if he were to continue and a conscience to deal with.

He'd die from a painful cancer death if he continued installing this unsafe equipment. Listen to what Ian has to say as a technician struggling with his conscience.

Extract From A Communication about the Mast:

However, unlike a direct Refusal, apparently a Planning Applicant can be advised by the Council to Withdraw their Application and to re-submit at a later date or consider another location. Six months later the Planning Application was re-submitted along with extra documents and materials but again was robustly objected to by the local community.

The result was that the Planning Application was Withdrawn for the second time.

On both occasions that there was a Planning Application submitted it was noticed that there were flaws and misleading information in the documents including the Planning Applicant, or the Agent, stating that they had consulted with a nursery, (that had been closed for over a year), and a local community group (that did not even exist).

Yet, despite this being highlighted in the first Planning Application by residents who raised objections, these errors were again repeated in the second Planning Application. As both Planning Applications were Withdrawn, rather than Refused, there was always the possibility that a further Planning Application would be submitted but then we had the corona virus crisis and subsequent Lock down.

It was only by chance that some local residents had noticed two engineers working on top of the mast on Wednesday 20th May who apparently then notified local Councillors – the response of one of the local Councillors,

Angeliki Stogia, was the statement produced on the xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Community Facebook and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx website etc.

On Thursday 18th June, local residents noticed another two engineers working on top of the mast. One of the local residents asked one of the engineers what they were doing when one of them came down and he did not want to engage and drove off.

The local resident said he was foreign, possibly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What Do we Know.

  1. During lock down 5G Installations have been completed in specific zones or areas.

  2. Nightingale Hospitals were built - London Birmingham & Manchester.

  3. Greatest UK 5G Density Rollout - London Birmingham & Manchester

  4. 5G uses a weapons based technology band of frequencies NOT a communications technology - Beam forming.

  5. In the US schools have had WiGiG technology fitted. FOI request to Greater Manchester not responded to in a professional manner, sent on the run around.



  8. USA have had this technology first - then UK, Pockets within the rest of the world - 5G test bed Wuhan China - Iran - Italy all "Corona Virus" Hot Spots.


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