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Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

Trafford - 5G Response - WDTK 1-2-3 - Suspended Account

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Bingo right over the Target !!

Trafford Council and Senior Decision Making Staff Qualify as Terrorists also colluding with

World Economic Forum - WEF - Agents in the Act of TREASON and Malfeasance in Public Office.

When you identify Local Councils, Police, MPs and Central Govt As WEF Agents They suspend Your Freedom of Information Request account. There is no platform for free speech in a DICTATORSHIP - POLICE - STATE - Run By WEF - Ashke -NAZIs..

You cannot Fund Terrorist Organisations. It's illegal and unlawful. Do No Harm.


Supported by an extensive document pack delivered & signed for

Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,

This WDTK is supported by two Letters Before Claim, Mike Kane MP and Eleanor Roaf, TMBC Director for Public Health. A more complete FOIR requesting a response in 7 days, dated 30.01.23 that will be sent on completion to Eleanor Roaf, Tom Ross, Andrew Western, Andrew Burnham and the circulation list. The questions are to identify those parties involved in the decision making enabling a compartmentalised Biological Chemical Weapon attack be launched alongside the implementation of a 5G EMF target acquiring trigger in Trafford.

This specifically looks at the Sale Moor mast implementation in the centre but is not exclusive to this one installation as the wider intended outcome is to reduce the UK population to 15 Million by using a combination of 5G technology and Bioweapons labelled as COVID-19 injections by 2025.

  1. Why would anyone rapidly role out 5G with rising costs and energy prices and the current drain is maxed out at 30 Amps per phase. Its not a comm's system but a defence energy weapon. DEW.

Welcome To The Modern Slavery System - Confirmed


Click - Remove the evidence - It never happened? Too difficult to answer? Vexatious.

Thank you! Hopefully your wait isn't too long.

By law, you should get a response promptly, and normally before the end of 28 March 2023.


Bruce Lamb (Account suspended) 27 January 2023

Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,

This WDTK is supported by two Letters Before Claim, Mike Kane MP and Eleanor Roaf, TMBC Director for Public Health. A more complete FOIR requesting a response in 7 days, dated 30.01.23 that will be sent on completion to Eleanor Roaf, Tom Ross, Andrew Western, Andrew Burnham and the circulation list. The questions are to identify those parties involved in the decision making enabling a compartmentalised Biological Chemical Weapon attack be launched alongside the implementation of a 5G EMF target acquiring trigger in Trafford.

This specifically looks at the Sale Moor mast implementation in the centre but is not exclusive to this one installation as the wider intended outcome is to reduce the UK population to 15 Million by using a combination of 5G technology and Bioweapons labelled as COVID-19 injections by 2025.

1. On the general installation of 5G equipment and the specific 15.0 Meter monopole installation in Sale Moor can you provide and confirm the specific environmental and health impact analysis for the installation? Ref 105704/TEL/21 dated 21.8.21, refused 20.10.21. Mark Caine of The Governments Planning Inspectorate overruled and moved the installation a quarter of a mile to Sale Moor Village. Dated 18.05.22. Public NOT informed. No Planning consent. Please provide the Health Impact Analysis in keeping with PACE1815 2011 Sections 7 & 8.

2. Provide full insurance details that Trafford Council hold for radiation exposures for harm against men women and children. 5G: Bands 2GHz – 300GHz. Specifically 18GHz. 60GHz.

2.1 Provide insurance details of the 5G mast and linked technologies – small cells - for both Mobile corporate and Mast/ Small Cell installers also provide their personal liability cover.

2.2 Please state current drain of units when in operation. We are informed the drain will be an estimated 30 Amps per phase. This is in keeping with Defence Energy Weapon Requirements. Please confirm or deny current rating and where the use of such a great power requirement will be utilised and justified? Use Case studies required.

2.3 Provide the structural integrity data report for the monopole and product insurance for fire, fatigue and collapse?

2.4 Provide details of the self-certification from the installers with ICNIRP guideline showing radiation output levels from each radiation transmitter in dBm or watts to confirm compliance with the self-certification that Trafford Council have allowed?

2.5 Provide details of the Councils compliance with the Social Care Act 2012 in regard protection from increasing Ionizing and Non Ionizing emissions from 5G and 4G, 4G LTE installations.

3. Please provide a RACI of Department heads from 2006 - Date in order we can identify those Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed. This is required for Part 2 of the exercise. Nolan principles apply. English Constitutional Law applies.

Please make sure that Tom Ross, Eleanor Roaf, Andrew Western and Andrew Burnham get visibility of this FOIR and the NOTICE that follows. The two document sets are linked. 36 Pages plus linked schedules.

Trafford & GMCA are in breach of the Terrorism Act 2000-2006 Section 15.


Yours faithfully,

bruce-robert: LAMB Link to this Report

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council 27 January 2023 Thank you for contacting Trafford Information Governance Team; please treat this automatic email reply as confirmation that we have received your enquiry and will respond to you accordingly.

If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can be dealt with online at [1] The council's website enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online, as well as providing comprehensive information. Kind regards

Information Governance Team

Trafford Council References Visible links

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council 30 January 2023 Thank you for your email. Your enquiry has been given the reference number 12619.

Please quote this in all future correspondence with regard to this enquiry. We aim to respond fully to all emails from the public as soon as possible, where they are seeking a response.

If you are requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations, there is a 20 working day statutory timescale within which to provide the information requested, subject to any exemptions which may apply.

The 20 working day timescale will start on the first working day following receipt of your email.

If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can be dealt with online at [1]

The council's website enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online, as well as providing comprehensive information.

Thank you

Trafford Council

Richard Roe Taking the document set from Rev Bob Murphy & I bruce-robert : LAMB

15,110 Members 5th March 2023

Ward, Jennie, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council 3 March 2023

Dear Mr Lamb Thank you for your email of 27^th January 2023 where you requested information about the 5G telecommunications installation in Sale Moor allowed under appeal. The information you requested is enclosed. 1. Planning application reference 105704/TEL/21 was allowed under appeal for the same site as submitted with the original refused application. Details of the location are available to inspect via the [1]Trafford website, please use the application reference number to access the documents. If you are aware of an installation being made near the site in question that does not appear to have permission you should contact our Planning Enforcement team in order for them to investigate, please use the following contact details [2][email address].

Neighbouring properties were consulted on the original application and a site notice was also placed at the location. The same neighbouring properties were also notified of the appeal process,

The appeal statement (which is available to inspect using the link given above) includes the following statements which respond to the first part of your question relating to the environmental and health impact analysis for the installation.

“The provisions of the GPDO require the local planning authority to assess the proposed development solely on the basis of its siting and appearance, taking into account any representations received. My determination of this appeal has been made on the same basis.”

“Concerns have been raised by a local resident about potential effects of the proposal on health. However, the appellant has provided a certificate to confirm that the proposal has been designed to comply with the guidelines published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

In these circumstances, the Framework advises that health safeguards are not something which a decision-maker should determine.

No sufficiently authoritative evidence has been provided to indicate that the ICNIRP guidelines would not be complied with or that a departure from national policy would be justified.”

2. Information not held. 3. Information on the Council’s senior staffing structure can be found on the Council’s website. If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review.

Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: Information Governance Manager, Trafford Council, Town Hall, Talbot Road Stretford M32 0TH or via email to [3][Trafford Council request email] Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF


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