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  • Writer's pictureBruce Lamb

An-Admission-Of-Guilt - Halsburys - Laws - Trafford.

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

What happens when you tactically expose Criminality within the Statutory system?

The system cannot respond legally nor lawfully - As We-The-People 2020 - Date

So they have to resort to Skullduggery!!

Skulduggery, which can also be spelled "skullduggery," was first documented in the mid-19th century spelled as "scull-duggery." Etymologists aren't sure exactly how the word arrived in English, but they do not believe it has anything to do with skulls. It is possibly derived from the now-very-rare "sculduddery," a term once used to refer to gross or lewd conduct, but unfortunately the origins of that word are also unknown.

Halsbury's Laws is an authoritative encyclopaedia of law in the England and Wales, arranged by subject with several indexes and updating services.

It is particularly useful if you are researching a new area of law (perhaps for a moot) and need to find the most important cases, legislation and commentary in that area.

See - Hear - Speak - Do No Evil - Or TRAFFORD COUNCIL have been caught with their trousers down?




INT 06A1/0004545/21: GMP Intelligence Folder.

Judgement received on Michael Mansfield 5G Judicial Review

by 5G Awareness | Apr 8, 2023 | 5G, Resistance | 0 comments

Lets go over the posts and questions..

Starting here: Twitchy Trafford:

The standard practice of the Cabal and linked WEF Organisation's is that once you cannot legally or lawfully win an argument is to get the man or woman making the claim or identifying the wrongdoing declared insane or not mentally fit or well.

Therefore if you were say a WEF infiltrated Council you get away with murder,

so to speak. 5G Vaxx Combo - Democide.


Criminal Coercion, Central Government on Councils & Police - Chief Constable & Above


The Authority has been engaged in the willful deployment of (5GW) Fifth Generation Weapons equipment emitting biologically toxic radiation across the city, without any due care to the dangers posed to environment from the battlefield urban radar technology. This hardware by design to cause torturous, physical, including psychological harms and death to the population. Criminal entities within the Councils, following Globalist terrorism goals have facilitated this illegal unlawful deployment to create a 15min digital city prison for the control and extermination of the population. The criminals are relying on 5GW for imminent terrorism attacks to cause death and the destruction of property


Criminal Law act 1967 Section 3 (1) A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crimes. The necessity of my actions are fulfilling my legal duty, availing myself to my legal right to prevent a more serious evil to myself and others from a number of crimes including the following.

17) 2012 Social care Act, P.21 (4) applies in relation to any function under this section which relates to— (a) the protection of the public from ionizing or non-ionizing radiation

18) 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act.

19) Equality and disability Act 1995 Section 55. It is unlawful to discriminate against another by way of victimization

20) DIRECTIVE 2009/147/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds

21) Article 174 (2) The European Community treaty provides that all Community policy on the environment shall be based on the precautionary principle the environmental protection act 1990.

22) Forgery act 1913 by false representation tendering and using false instrument

23) Misconduct in Public office.

24) Offences against the person Act 1861 the administering of a noxious substance a destructive thing occasioning harm.

25) Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 as amended by the Criminal law act 1977

26) Genocide Act 1969 section (a) killing members of the group (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.

27) The Nuremberg Code.

28) Article 174 (2) The European Community treaty provides that all Community policy on the environment shall be based on the precautionary principle the environmental protection act 1990.

29) DIRECTIVE 2009/147/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild bird

30) Infant life (Preservation) Act 1929 offences against a foetus causing child destruction

31) Health and Safety Statutory instruments. No 588. The control of Electromagnetic fields at work regulations 2016

32) EN 62311:2008 Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure (0Hz-300GHz)

33) 15. Equality and disability Act 1995 Section 55. It is unlawful to discriminate against another by way of victimisation.

Human rights laws, including

Article 2 – Right to life

Article 3 – Prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment

Article 5 – Right to liberty and security

Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life

Article 14 – Prohibition of discrimination

Torts, negligence, privacy, enjoyment of one’s land, assault and trespass against the person due to the reckless deployment of the Telensa radar battlefield derived weapon by the D’s.

Jasper Carrot - The Nutter on The Bus:

Note the FICTION Mr Lamb - The Request Is From Trafford Social Services To Do Commerce & Potentially "Pervert or Subvert" The Course of Justice.

I am a witness reporting a crime since 2006/7 -2018 Westminster - Date. Crime Numbers:

GMP: INT/06A1/0004545/21 - 6029679/21 Hammersmith CID - ICC-OTP-CR-473-21

Case CYCLOPS 1146/12

Trafford have been given the evidence alongside every Chief Constable in England & Wales? Inc GMP Stephen Watson & Andy Burnham GMCA.

Initially What's in a Name? Where Did You Get Yours?

A Little History On The Fiction

DEAD in the Water - Common Law Courts

On Public Record - UCC 1-308 :

Steve Forsyth - Ex Forces - Windsor Vaxx Centre Closure Project Spokes- man


TRAFFORD - Sale Moor 5G Mast Posts.

5G Is The Vaxx Trigger.

The 5G Mast Sale Moor - The Bigger Picture - Part 6

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

1400 Hrs 10.10.2022 - Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council - Personal Delivery of Letter Before Claim. Handed to Richard Roe for Eleanor Roaf - Director of Public Health. Copies Andrew Western - Council Leader, Gerard Lennox - Planning. Clerk to the Council for distribution to all Councillor's. cc list to: cc. Clerk to the Council - Distribute to all Trafford MBC councillors. cc Mike Kane MP – Labour. Sale East & Wythenshawe. cc Graham Brady MP – Conservative 1922 Committee Chairman. Altrincham & Sale West. cc Andrew Burnham – GMCA Lord Mayor. cc Stephen Watson Chief Constable Greater Manchester Police. INT/06A1/0004545/21. cc Gerard Lennox – Trafford Borough Council Planning – Reference: TFD17397 cc Andrew Western – Trafford Council Leader. cc Mark Caine – Inspector Appointed by The Secretary of State. Decision 18.05.22. cc The Light Newspaper. The Light | The Uncensored Truth ( cc The Manchester Evening News. cc Messenger Group Newspapers. cc NPCC Fiona Greenless FOIR & Decision Maker. FOIR 301/2022. cc HMRC CEO Jim Harra. NOCA – Process - No response – Default. cc Manchester CCG. Parkway Business Centre M14 7LU. cc Conway Road Health Centre - Dr Sally Frier. GP. Posts

Betty Boothroyd, Baroness Boothroyd, was a British politician who served as a member of Parliament for West Bromwich and West Bromwich West from 1973 to 2000. A member of the Labour Party, she served as Speaker of the House of Commons from 1992 to 2000. She was the first woman to have served as Speaker. By tradition, Boothroyd later sat as a crossbench peer in the House of Lords.Wikipedia

Born: October 8, 1929, Dewsbury, West Riding of Yorkshire, England Died: February 26, 2023, Cambridge, England Resting place: St George's Church, Thriplow, Cambridgeshire, England

Northampton Bulk Clearing Confirmation - A CORPORATION - No Contract

No Authority - No Jurisdiction - No Consent

The BAR get their Authority from The Queen or King. As The Queen Was Never The Queen - Charles Will Never Be anything More Than A WEF Puppet. The King or Queen Gets Their Authority From God. Via The Stone of Destiny Ceremony and so called Birth Right?

Winston Churchill Was Liz 2's Dad & Margaret's, hence a state funeral for Winston.

Not a Monarch but a 3/16th Rothschild Giving False Assent to Acts & Statutes For PERSONS - Not Living Men & Women.

Charles is a WEF Puppet That Can Never Be A King?

You Could Ask His Mates - Kier Starmer - Jimmy Saville but

Neither Will answer Both for Obvious Reasons.

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